Invite your friends to download AScoin and finish the "Greeting Task", then both the inviter and invitee will be rewarded with SURE.

1. Tutorial and Rules

Steps: Launch AScoin App and click "Mine - Invite Friends" > New users can create/import a wallet and go to "Mine - Invite Friends - Greeting Tasks" to complete the tasks.

After finishing the Greeting Tasks, the inviter will receive 40 SURE and the invitee will receive 20 SURE. You can check the status of your rewards in the "Mine-My SURE" menu. SURE points are not currently in circulation, please refer to the official announcement for details of the circulation rules. (Note: The number of SURE rewards for inviter and invitee will be dynamically adjusted according to the market situation. The Greeting Tasks will also be dynamically adjusted according to the market situation, please refer to the content displayed on the App.)

2. FAQ

  1. What are Greeting Tasks?

Task : AScoin Wallet account balance reaches $200.

  1. Is there a cap for users I invite?

There is currently no limit on the number of users you invite, and a wallet address can invite as many new users as you can.

  1. How to anti cheating?

In order to be fair and enable more honest users to obtain invitation rewards, AScoin will strictly review mobile devices through technical means. Behaviors like self-invitation and simulating-device invitation are forbidden. Once detected, the address invitations will be immediately disqualified, SURE already issued will be recalled, and an announcement will be made through official channels.

  1. How do I make a transfer or transaction through AScoin?

Please check out the "transfer and trading tutorial" in our Help Centre. Or find customer service via the "Chat" module for help.

  1. Where can I find my invitation rewards?

You can check your invitation rewards by clicking on "Mine" in the bottom menu bar and going to the "Mine - My SURE" page.