In AScoin Cloud Wallet, transferring funds using AScoinID incurs no transaction fees and is processed instantly.

For individual transfers:

  1. Open AScoin [Cloud Wallet] - [Withdraw] - Select the currency for withdrawal.
  2. Choose "AScoin ID Transfer".
  3. Enter the "Recipient ID" and "Transfer Amount".
  4. Confirm the transfer.

For batch transfers:

  1. Open AScoin [Cloud Wallet] - [Withdraw] - Select the currency for withdrawal.
  2. Choose "AScoin ID Transfer".
  3. Go to the "Batch Transfer" page.


  1. Add multiple "Recipient IDs" and "Transfer Amounts".


(Note: Separate the recipient ID and amount with a comma, and use a new line for each record.)

  1. Verify the IDs.
  2. Confirm the transfer.