How to create/import a wallet address?

Create a wallet

  1. Open AScoin App, click "Create Wallet", and set the wallet name and transaction password.



  1. Generate the seed phrase (12 English words), back up, and save it(do not take a screenshot to save it).


(The seed phrase/mnemonic is equal to your "account + password", anyone who gets your mnemonic can control the account and steal the assets from any non-custodian wallet. So, make sure you keep it safe)



After creating a wallet successfully, the wallet account can also be easily imported to any major wallet.

Import Wallet

If you already have a wallet account, you can choose to import it and restore your personal account.

Open the AScoin App, click on "Import Wallet", and then import the mnemonic (12 words) of your existing wallet address or import it with your private key (paste or type) to restore your account.



Any major wallet's mnemonic can also be easily imported to AScoin wallet, which is designed to be compatible with most major wallets.