1. Download from the official website.

Go to the official website (https://ascoin.pro) to download AScoin Wallet

Or download via the link: https://www.assurepro.io/APP/index.html (copy to open on your mobile browser)


2. Download in APP Store

Open App Store and search "AScoin" to download and install

(please use non-mainland China Apple ID)

Download the test version

Open "https://www.assurepro.io/APP/index.html" in your mobile browser

Click on Testflight and follow the navigation to install AScoin

Step1: Get TestFlight

Step2: Join the Beta


3. Download for Android.

3.1 Google Play

Method 1: Open Google Play and enter "AScoin" to download and install.

Method 2: Open "https://www.assurepro.io/APP/index.html" in the browser.

Click Google Play, and follow the tutorial to download and install.


3.2 Google Play is not available