I. Holding NFT Enjoys Gas Fee Reduction

The "Gas-free Pass" NFT provides users with a reduction in on-chain transaction/transfer gas fee. As long as AScoin owns this NFT and the address is bound via AScoin wallet, the holder can enjoy the benefit of gas fee reduction during the validity of the NFT. For transfers in other wallets with the same address, the Gas fee will also be reduced. The reduced gas fee will be automatically transferred to AScoin cloud wallet account after the transaction is finished.

2. NFT Profile

AScoin NFT.png

e.g.Quarter Card S:

NFT Name: Quarter Card S

Number: 00000001

Expiry Date: 2023.02.15

3. NFT Types

Gas-free Pass Weekly Card<valid for 7 days since mint>

Gas-free Pass Quarterly Card<valid for 90 days since mint>

Use the redemption code to cast a blind box and get a card at S, SS, or SSS level randomly, corresponding to 70%, 80%, and 90% gas reduction respectively.

4. FAQ

The Gas fee rebates will be sent to the Cloud Wallet after the transaction/transfer finishes. The total gas fee rebates can be checked in "My-NFT Rights Page". The records can be viewed by going to "My - Cloud Wallet - Records".

There will be an expiry date on your card.