1. Definition of judicial assistance

The judicial assistance in this policy means that AScoin Wallet, in accordance with relevant international treaties, laws, and policies, can assist the judicial authorities of various countries in investigating the criminal cases they are handling. The assistance includes providing relevant information involved in the case, restricting the assets involved, and assisting in the execution of effective judgments.

2. Subjects of judicial assistance

As the subject of judicial assistance, AScoin Wallet is registered in Singapore. AScoin Wallet is a crypto asset management wallet (hereinafter referred to as "wallet") operated by CRYPASCOIN PTE. LTD. It currently has an APP.

3. Judicial assistance procedures

CRYPASCOIN PTE. LTD. is governed by the laws of Singapore and is not subject to the laws of other countries and regions. CRYPASCOIN PTE. LTD. is obliged to assist Singapore judicial authorities in conducting judicial investigations of criminal cases. The information in the wallet is collected and generated in accordance with the relevant laws of Singapore. , Use, storage and destruction.

If the judicial authorities of countries and regions outside Singapore need AScoin Wallet to cooperate in judicial assistance, they should submit an application for assistance to Singapore authorities in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of Singapore. Provide assistance in accordance with the content of the effective application.

In the event of force majeure such as natural disasters, social abnormal events, major health incidents, local wars and conflicts, or the judicial authorities of various countries cannot obtain AScoin Wallet judicial assistance in a timely manner through Singapore authorities, the judicial authorities of various countries can email [email protected] sends a request for assistance documents to AScoin Wallet. If AScoin Wallet considers it necessary, it will check the authenticity of the assistance documents with the supervision departments of the judicial (law enforcement) agencies of various countries and will decide whether to assist in accordance with the laws of Singapore.

The act of AScoin Wallet assisting the judicial authorities of countries outside Singapore to investigate criminal cases does not mean that AScoin Wallet recognizes that the laws of the country where the judicial authority is located have jurisdiction over AScoin Wallet.

4. The content of judicial assistance

The criminal matters of AScoin Wallet's judicial assistance must be matters that are considered criminal cases and allow assistance in the relevant laws of Singapore.

The judicial organ requesting assistance must issue a legal document with criminal compulsory effect in the country where the judicial organ belongs. The document must specify the assistance items, including but not limited to the following.

  1. The name of the law enforcement agency

  2. Proof that judicial (law enforcement) officials are authorized to obtain information (certificate of authorization) and proof of incumbency of law enforcement agencies

  3. The identity certificate of judicial (law enforcement) officials (such as ID number, internal ID number)

  4. E-mail address containing elements of judicial authority

  5. Contact information of judicial organs, including email address, phone number, etc.

  6. Clarify the name of the subject of judicial assistance as "CRYPASCOIN PTE. LTD."

  7. The details of the request, including the identification symbol and number of the judicial authority in the format document, and how the document should be verified, such as callback, online verification, etc.

  8. Judicial agencies that have passed the international judicial assistance procedures shall provide relevant documents required in accordance with the international mutual legal assistance treaties.